
The team as a guarantor of success

COMSA Corporación is committed to placing human capital as one of the pillars of the group’s strategy. The commitment to people in the group involves promoting their professional development, fostering a diverse and inclusive culture without barriers, promoting work-life balance and guaranteeing optimum health and safety conditions, all through comprehensive and efficient management of the talent cycle. These commitments are expressed both in the values and in the Group’s Code of Ethics.


COMSA Corporación is committed to identifying, attracting and retaining the talent of its teams, as well as facilitating the projection of its professionals. The implementation of the COMStruimos Project, whose objective is to develop a competency-based management model aligned with the group’s strategy, endorses this commitment.

To achieve this, the gradual digitalisation of processes and the appropriate management of competencies are fundamental tools for aligning Human Resources with the company’s main lines of action.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

COMSA Corporación’s people management approach is based on a human capital management model centred on equal treatment and inclusion of the different profiles that make up the workforce, given that having diverse points of view is essential to face new challenges. For this reason, the group offers inclusive, safe, healthy and discrimination-free work environments, where all people can grow and develop their careers, regardless of their personal circumstances.

To guarantee this, the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy constitutes the framework document on which different actions and procedures that work on diversity from a transversal perspective are articulated. In this sense, COMSA Corporación adhered to the European Charter for Diversity in 2023.

Focusing on gender equality, different initiatives are developed in the Equality Plans, which guarantee further progress in the elimination of potential gender barriers, with a view to Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Gender Equality.

See the group’s Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy.

As a sign of its commitment to female talent, the group has been part of Target Gender Equality since 2020 and in 2023 it has adhered to the UN Women’s Women Empowerment Principles, participating in different activities within this framework. In addition, different campaigns are developed, such as the ‘Women of Reference’ campaign, which gives visibility and recognition to women who play a strategic role in the group, with the aim of inspiring future generations, as well as specific actions on the day of the female engineer, encouraging other women to follow in their footsteps.

Read here the articles about women of COMSA Corporación who play a strategic role in the group.

In addition, the group works in collaboration with different entities so that the development of new actions to promote diversity in the teams can be successfully implemented.

Health and safety

As part of its commitment to people, COMSA Corporación works to create safe working environments and achieve the goal of Zero Accidents.

For this reason, we have a health and safety management system certified according to UNE-EN ISO 45001:2018, as well as a Health and Safety Policy, with the aim of achieving a vision of zero harm, promoting a culture of prevention rather than correction.

COMSA Corporación also has a Road Safety Policy to promote its integration in the mouvements of its employees from the point of view of risk management for safety and environmental sustainability.

To ensure the safety of our projects and the protection of people, we identify, assess and manage the risks associated with our activities with a comprehensive approach. In a complementary way, we undertake different initiatives that have been recognised on several occasions, such as the inclusion in the Top 25 of the Monitor of Excellence in Prevention, Safety and Health (MEPS2) that rewarded our preventive culture in 2019; the ex aequo award in the category ‘Best practice for risk control’ in 2021 for the project ‘Don’t turn your back on overexertion’; or the recognition in the XI Premios Atlante de Foment del Treball for the preventive strategy in the face of exposure to extreme temperatures in 2023.

In 2022, COMSA Corporación launched the campaign ‘Better to count on you than to count accidents’, which received recognition at the 14th edition of the Corresponsables Awards.

The group currently has a Strategic Prevention Plan for the three-year period 2024-2026, known as the UNØ Plan. The design of this plan has involved the participation of more than 700 professionals from COMSA Corporación, through more than 120 working groups held in 20 cities in 5 countries (Spain, Portugal, Mexico, France and Colombia). You can find more information here.

In addition, the group has recently approved a Policy on the Responsible Use of Distractors on Site (see here).