We integrate sustainability into our corporate strategy
Reducing the environmental impact of our activities is one of COMSA Corporación’s main commitments.
To this end, the group has an environmental and quality management system certified in accordance with UNE-EN ISO 14.001:2015 and UNE EN ISO 9001:205 and integrated into the company’s general management system, applicable to all works and work centres.
Consult our policies here:
Climate change
Climate change is one of the main challenges facing the planet, with impacts on the physical environment, society, and the economy.
In this context, COMSA Corporación has a Strategic Plan against Climate Change which establishes the objectives for the reduction of emissions for the coming years.
We work with the objective of contributing to this transition by reducing the direct impact of our operations, calculating, verifying, and reducing our carbon footprint.
At COMSA Corporación, we annually calculate our Greenhouse Gas Emissions according to the ISO 14064 Standard, as well as the GHG Protocol.
Consult here the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories:
Circular economy
At COMSA Corporación we want to advance towards a circular business model and therefore we are committed to developing a complete life cycle for our activities.
Our commitment is to promote the reuse, recycling and recovery of the waste generated in our projects, as well as the development of R&D&I projects focused on the circular economy.
COMSA Corporación is a member of the Pact for a Circular Economy, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.
In addition, the group has the Aenor Zero Waste Certificate for corporate centres.
Biodiversity and natural capital
At COMSA Corporación we are committed to the protection of the natural environment and work to reduce the impact of our activities on biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as to the responsible and sustainable management of natural resources.
COMSA is a member of the Biodiverity Pact and the Taskforce on Nature-related Finacial Disclosures (TNFD). Precisely, through the Biodiversity Pact and being adopters of the TNFD recommendations, we have committed to act, analysing the impacts and dependencies of our activity, as well as to disseminate them.
We have also contributed to the creation of a forest in Teruel, planting 918 trees, which reflects our firm commitment to nature conservation. This action, which is essential to combat climate change and protect biodiversity, represents the offsetting of 208 potential tonnes of CO2, which will enable us to obtain the ‘COMPENSO’ seal from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
Sustainable construction
At COMSA Corporación we are committed to sustainable construction, executing projects that comply with international standards such as LEED and BREEAM.
We design, build, and manage various sustainable infrastructures, which contribute to guaranteeing access to sustainable energy. We also offer energy efficiency improvement services for our clients, contributing to a more efficient use of energy and promoting cleaner energy in all environments.
Through innovation, we collaborate with various universities and research centres to develop R&D&I projects aimed at improving energy efficiency.
Good environmental practices
The group focuses its contribution to the SDGs on actions linked to its activity, with which it works to reduce its environmental impact.
Find out here the latest Good Practices we have carried out in different areas: