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Inauguration of the Pajares Bypass

Yesterday the inauguration of the Pajares Bypass, the main section of the León-Asturias high-speed railway line, took place. COMSA Corporación has participated in the construction of the platform of the Campomanes-Pola de Lena section, and in the electrification of the La Robla-Campomanes section, thus contributing to the improvement of the railway connectivity between León and Asturias and strengthening the High Speed network in Spain.

In addition, the company has recently been awarded the contract for the conservation and maintenance of the infrastructure, track and sidings of a 74 km section comprising the León-La Robla segment and the Pajares bypass itself.

With this new infrastructure coming into service, passengers will see their train journey time between Asturias and Madrid reduced by more than one hour. Moreover, goods trains will be able to carry up to 15% more freight and be longer.

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