COMSA and Nortúnel, in a joint venture with CAMPEZO Obras y Servicios and Grupo Azvi, have completed the excavation of the future underground station in Pasaia and are moving towards the completion of the two-kilometre-long railway section between Altza and Galtzaraborda.
Yesterday, the Councillor for Sustainable Mobility of the Eusko Jaurlaritza – Basque Government, Susana García Chueca, visited the cavern of the station together with the Mayor of Pasaia, Teodoro Alberro, and the General Director of Euskal Trenbide Sarea – Basque Railway Network, Antonio López Palenzuela. On behalf of COMSA, José López Sánchez, COMSA’s delegate in the Northern Area (Euskadi-Navarra), and Juan Lavín Díez, manager of the joint venture, were present. During the visit, they were able to see that the works are progressing according to plan.
Once in operation, this project will improve service frequencies for the users of Pasaia and Galtzaraborda, promoting the use of safe and efficient public transport.