Refurbishment of installations
Rehabilitation and adaptation of spaces
Reform of the cold-water production and distribution system in the Torre de Collserola telecommunications complex in Barcelona (Spain)
Modification of the air-conditioning installation at the La Boella site in La Canonja, Tarragona.
Reform and adaptation of rooms for the installation of equipment in hospitals, clinics, and health centres.
Extension and remodelling of the emergency department of the Verge de la Cinta Hospital in Tortosa, Tarragona (Spain).
Remodelling of vascular, magnetic resonance or X-ray rooms for the installation of Philips Healthcare equipment
Renovation of the HVAC system in the Port of Palma
Improvement of facilities
COMSA Service develops works of adequacy, reform and improvement of all types of facilities (electrical, climate, pci, ventilation, electromedical equipment) in all types of assets.