ODS Igualdad de género

COMSA Corporación adheres to Target Gender Equality

COMSA Corporación, aware of the importance of advancing corporate sustainability and achieving the SDGs, has joined the Target Gender Equality initiative, led by the Global Compact, whose main objective is to generate a change in behaviour in more than 1,000 companies.

This impact initiative, linked to SDG 5. Gender Equality, with a one-year programme, aims to accelerate women’s representation and leadership, ensuring their full and effective participation and equal leadership opportunities at all levels.

The programme is underpinned by supporting companies to set and meet ambitious corporate targets for women’s representation and leadership, based on four lines of action: performance analysis, capacity building workshops, peer learning and multi-stakeholder dialogue at country level.

The aim is to assess gender equality performance in order to identify opportunities for improvement in terms of target setting, as well as policies, practices and measures needed to achieve gender equality goals.

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