Corporate governance

The status of family business determines the operating model of the group

COMSA Corporación maintains its status as a family business, a fact that largely determines the model of operation and corporate governance, as well as the decision-making process.

COMSA Corporación’s Board of Directors is made up of seven members appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders and has delegated decision-making in different areas to executive and transversal committees, which include the team of professionals who manage and direct COMSA Corporación’s business.

Sheratan Management, S.L.U.
Representative: Jorge Miarnau Montserrat

SEP Management, S.L.
Representative: Carlos Miarnau Pascual

Deimos Inversión, S.L.U.
Representative: Juan Miarnau Montserrat

Mifransa, S.L.

Representantive: Félix Boronat Miarnau

Fibex Blue, S.L.
Representative: Ana María Boix Ribot

TI 2009, S.L.
Representative: Jorge Miarnau Montserrat

Balmore Plus, S.L.
Board member: Anna Bordas Baliu

Josep Lluís Vilaseca i Requena
Non-Board Member Secretary

Carles Mases Viñas
Non-Board Member Deputy Secretary